Extension of cleanrooms ISO 5 at SOFRADIR, manufacturer of infrared sensors for industry.
A company based in the Grenoble region and in the Ile de France region, SOFRADIR is a specialist in the development and manufacture of infrared sensors for applications in many sectors of industry: military, aerospace, naval, commercial, etc.
More info: www.sofradir.com
Extension of 200 m² on cleanrooms Existing ISO 5
On this site at SOFRADIR, VÊPRES intervened as a specialised installer following the specifications drawn up by FAURE QEI, which continued as assistant project owner for the monitoring of the execution of the site until acceptance.
For this project to extend thecleanrooms ISO 5 of approximately 200 m², the VÊPRES carried out the infrastructure works, air treatment by existing AHU and terminal batteries, air circulation by FFUs, CFo and CFa electricity, regulation, installation of stainless steel networks for extractions, installation of the suction network, installation of the process fluid network, installation of the fire safety and sprinkler protection system, including cleaning and qualification at the end of the site.
Cleanrooms, high-precision construction sites
This project to extend the cleanrooms ISO 5 took place at the SOFRADIR site in Palaiseau in the Paris region. The installation expertise of VÊPRES is a major asset for this type of project in order to disrupt production continuity as little as possible and ensure a sustainable evolution of the infrastructure. In very concrete terms, VÊPRES was responsible for:
- removal of SAS existing equipment
- the expansion and redevelopment of the personal airlock
- Extension of the central corridor: 26.3 m² / ISO 6
- the construction of a new equipment SAS: 17 m² / ISO 6
- ISO Room 5 & Associated Grey Finger: 17 m²
- ISO Room 5 & Associated Grey Finger: 31 m²
- a new peripheral airlock of: 7.3 m² / ISO 8
- the preparation and standby of two rooms: 70 m²
VÊPRES would like to thank SOFRADIR and the FAURE QEI design office for their confidence in this project to extend the cleanrooms ISO 5.
A 200 m² extension
Vêpres has been mandated by SOFRADIR for the extension of cleanrooms ISO 5. The project, of approximately 200 m², included the infrastructure, air treatment by an existing AHU, installation of terminal batteries, air circulation by FFUs, CFo and CFa electricity, regulation, installation of extraction and suction networks, as well as fire safety systems. Vêpres ensured the cleaning and final qualification of the project.