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Label HappyIndex®AtWork, the results in detail!

HR News

Following the award of the HappyIndex®AtWork label for the 3rd year running, discover the opinions and satisfaction levels of our employees.

HappyIndexAtWork, high scores for vêpres

Please visit VÊPRES on the ChooseMyCompany website! The results of the survey that earned us the HappyIndex®AtWork label for the third year running are now available. While ensuring the confidentiality of survey participants, you will discover the degree of satisfaction of our employees in several areas (professional development, working environment, management, recognition, etc.) as well as authentic comments on working conditions and the atmosphere at VÊPRES.

Genuine opinions

Beyond the figures and satisfaction percentages, these opinions are of significant importance, as they reflect the state of mind and feelings of our employees. It is these comments that best reflect the well-being of our employees at VÊPRES. These authentic and transparent opinions reflect their feelings about our business and the relationships between employees. Lastly, they highlight the actions taken throughout the year to create a pleasant and stimulating working environment.

Professional development

And if we're talking numbers, we're very proud to see, for example, that the level of satisfaction with the working environment is 81.3%, or that just over 79% of our employees are proud of what we do. These rewarding and encouraging indicators confirm our determination to create an atmosphere conducive to professional fulfillment at VÊPRES.