Member of the CEME Group

VÊPRES exhibits for the first time at MICRONORA

Corporate life

To raise its profile with new industrial customers, VÊPRES took part in the MICRONORA trade show held in Besançon from September 27 to 30.

micronora vepres salon clean rooms

The organizers of MICRONORA define it as a "niche industrial show par excellence", specializing in the microtechnology and precision sectors, and also open to nanotechnologies. Held every two years in Besançon, it has become a benchmark event, with no fewer than 800 exhibitors, 33% of them international, covering an area of 25,000 m².


For VÊPRES, the aim of participating in the show was twofold. Firstly, it was an opportunity to extend its visibility to Franche-Comté, a region close to its Grenoble base but relatively unexplored until now. Secondly, the industrial sectors of micromechanics, screw-cutting and watchmaking are likely to require cleanroom infrastructures for their production quality. The MICRONORA show was therefore an opportunity to verify this intuition, and if need be, to establish contacts with potential new customers.

A successful gamble. First of all, in terms of visibility, VÊPRES was effectively unknown to many manufacturers, who were delighted to get to know each other. In concrete terms, more than fifteen projects were identified, including two very significant ones.

As the experience was so conclusive, VÊPRES is likely to take part in the next 2024 edition of MICRONORA, all the more so as the Franc-Comtois organizers' welcome was perfect, "precise" and warm!