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Recruitment: before working together, let's meet!

HR News

A family-owned company, VÊPRES has adopted an original recruitment process, organizing collective "meetings" with potential talent.

Recruiting cleanroom fitters at Vêpres

With a very dynamic business and many prospects, VÊPRES is recruiting carpenters for its workshops and fitters to work on construction sites on an almost permanent basis. The company is very attached to the human dimension, and offers an original recruitment process based on its values: meeting people, benevolence and honesty in exchanges.

About once a month, the HR department organizes "group meetings" for potential talents (maximum 10 people). The aim is to present the company as transparently as possible. The meeting takes place over a 1/2 day in two stages.

An initial meeting is held to present the company, its business, its history, its mindset, its customers, the positions we're looking for, the training we offer to enhance skills, possible career paths and, of course, all the "modalities" associated with the process and recruitment itself. Candidates are warmly welcomed, and can ask any questions they may have.

recruitment carpenters vespres TEMP 300x158 1The discussion then continues with a tour of the premises and the presentation of a model of cleanroom to give a good understanding of the trade. A meeting is organized with an experienced carpenter to discover the workshops and exchange know-how. Candidates are free to ask any questions they like, from general questions about working at VÊPRES to highly technical ones. The technicians, who are chosen from among the most experienced, take great pleasure in explaining their trade and working conditions.

Coming to work at VÊPRES : a shared choice

At the end of this collective meeting, which enabled them to discover the company, the professions and part of the team, candidates are free to decide if they wish to continue with the recruitment process. The following day, they will be invited for a short, personalized interview with Marlène COTTET (HR Manager) and a member of the team. Following this interview, the candidate is offered a field trial, and if not, an explanation is given as to why he or she has not been selected.

The ultimate aim of this whole process is to find out whether "we can work together". VÊPRES is a family-run company and by nature "benevolent", but it is also "demanding" and very vigilant to ensure that the working atmosphere is conducive to everyone's self-fulfilment. These exchanges allow everyone to discover each other without pressure and in complete transparency.

We're recruiting!

To date, 7 "talents" have been recruited as a result of these collective meetings, and in the coming months, 7 new positions will be opening up, mainly for joiners and fitters. But if you have other talents, don't hesitate to apply spontaneously.

VÊPRES regularly posts job vacancies on its website (button below), as well as on its Linkedin page. The HR department also works with the Mission Locale Sud-Isère and Interim agencies. Co-optation by employees is also a much-appreciated recruitment tool.

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