Member of the CEME Group

VÊPRES managers in training!

HR News

After an excellent 2017, VÊPRES is aiming for a very good 2018!

Training for managers of VÊPRES

Demanding and respectful. These are the key words used by Marc VILCOT(COM HOM training partner) to help managers by providing them with methods and tools to improve their role as supervisors, so that their teams can focus their energy on customer satisfaction. Collaborative intelligence, cooperation in difficult situations, the ability to find solutions... The aim of this training course was to learn how to implement the listening, communication and benevolence necessary for a virtuous customer relationship based on dialogue.

In the opinion of all the participants, the four days were very enriching, not only from a professional point of view, but also from a personal one. Marc VILCOT's contribution was much appreciated, thanks to his ability to listen, his sense of dialogue and the very pleasant way in which he led the course, notably through very concrete scenarios.

Technical skills, safety training, management... At VÊPRES, it's important that all our teams can flourish by improving their know-how and developing their ability to lead high-stakes projects for the company's customers.

Thank you to La Fine Fourchette for hosting us on their premises during these 4 days of training.